Welcome to SterlingTon Church of Christ
We are Sterlington Church of Christ, a fellowship of believers meeting together since 1944. Our mission is to show love towards Christ, each other, and our community through acts of service and worship. We hope you will join us as we seek to display the love of God, share His Word, and build community. We're better together!
Minister's Welcome
We are so glad that you found us. We encourage you to come be a part of our family that meets at Sterlington Church of Christ.
Have you ever wondered what will happen when you die? Do you know without a doubt that when that time comes you will be in Heaven with God? If you are not sure, we would love to share the saving message of Jesus Christ with you so that you can be sure. He is the way, the truth, and through Him we can have eternal life in Heaven. We don’t claim to have all the answers but we try every day to live the way Jesus lived.
Our worship times are devoted to glorifying God and drawing closer to Him. We love to sing praises to God, to pray to Him, and to study from His wonderful word, the Bible. Worship gives us the opportunity to do these things and draw closer to each other through fellowship.
Have you ever wondered what will happen when you die? Do you know without a doubt that when that time comes you will be in Heaven with God? If you are not sure, we would love to share the saving message of Jesus Christ with you so that you can be sure. He is the way, the truth, and through Him we can have eternal life in Heaven. We don’t claim to have all the answers but we try every day to live the way Jesus lived.
Our worship times are devoted to glorifying God and drawing closer to Him. We love to sing praises to God, to pray to Him, and to study from His wonderful word, the Bible. Worship gives us the opportunity to do these things and draw closer to each other through fellowship.

Service Times
9:30am Bible Class
10:30am Worship Service
5:00pm Service
10:30am Worship Service
5:00pm Service
6:00pm Bible Class