Each congregation of the church of Christ is autonomous, answering only to God and functioning within the laws of the land. This allows each local congregation to follow the Biblical mandates and examples which, if followed, lets the glory of God shine through as a beacon of light for their community. By following the Bible as its only creed, the members of the church of Christ have to discern between right and wrong and fellowship with groups of Christians who also seek to hide their lives in Christ (Colossians 3).
The following are the core beliefs of Sterlington Church of Christ based on the foundational truths taught in the bible. All of our teaching and ministry is rooted in and flows out of these biblical doctrines.
The following are the core beliefs of Sterlington Church of Christ based on the foundational truths taught in the bible. All of our teaching and ministry is rooted in and flows out of these biblical doctrines.

There is one eternally existing God (The Godhead) and He is represented in 3 persons; the Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. That this Godhead is eternal, all knowing, all powerful, and interested in the affairs of the universe which He created. Especially humanity, having been made in God's image.
That God has revealed His complete will to mankind via the Bible. That it is the verbally inspired Word of God, inerrant, and contains all we need to know about life, and God.
That Jesus was sent to earth as a special representative to show God's love, especially His forgiveness, and how to be in the right relationship with Deity. That Jesus is the only savior, He was present from the beginning, and that He saves those who obey His gospel. This message is for every human being. It is up to the volition of the individual to respond.
The Fall
We believe that all are guilty of sins that have separated them from God and need to believe in God's existence, His love, and His Son. Following that acceptance we must acknowledge to God that we repent of our wrong deeds, confess we are sinful, and need His help. We must acknowledge that Jesus is the Son of God and the only savior. And culminate the salvation process when we are immersed in water where we re-enact the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
We believe that immersion in water unites us with Christ and brings to us the indwelling of the Holy Spirit that identifies us as a christian.
The Church
We believe that Jesus built His church and that saved believers are added to it and attend and support it until death or Jesus' return. Jesus is the head of the church and the structure of the congregation should follow the command of God. (Elders, Deacons, Ministers, etc.)
We believe in the dignity of people, the worth of every soul, and the special bonds that bind us together.
We believe in the equality of all people, and welcome all to our services. We believe that women are the equals of men in their value to the Lord, and to expedite the worship itself God has commanded men to lead.
We believe in an after-life composed of two final destinations - heaven, or hell. That those who reject God and His gift of salvation through His Son will be rejected by Him and consigned to hell. That those who believe and obey Him will have a reward in heaven. That this will be preceded by a judgment where the Lord will decide who goes where.
We believe that the family is the basic God-ordained foundation of civilization. And that a family is composed of biological males married to biological females who may be blessed with children to bring up in the knowledge of God.
We believe that the worship of the church should be conducted in spirit and truth, and according to the pattern found in the New Testament. That worship is for God, and that we assemble to give Him praise. We do not believe that culture changes the way we conduct our worship service.
We believe that christians should be diligent, study their bibles and pray, and attempt to be more like Jesus and His teachings.
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